Instructor Bio

Dr. Mary Lucero, with over 30 years of research expertise, has unveiled the critical role of microbial communities in ecosystems. She believes these communities are vital for the health of all living systems and offer solutions for soil and crop nutrition, food security, human health, environmental detoxification, and community sustainability. Dr. Lucero's mission is to empower individuals and communities to harness the potential of microbial ecosystems for a better world. Her work spans agriculture, healthcare, environmental conservation, and community development, making her a beacon of hope for a more sustainable and prosperous future.
02h 55m
$109.99 $25.99
Traditionally, agricultural practices have often relied on methods such as crop rotations, managed grazing, and the addition of compost and manure ...
19 Lectures
02h 55m
$109.99 $25.99
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